Coming Soon! A New Way to Learn to Use Your iPad – iPad Academy Master Class

Master Class graphic
As readers of my newsletter know, for several months I’ve been designing and developing an online class to help iPad owners with their Apple tablets. (Not getting my free newsletter? Sign up now in the sidebar on the right). Like everything else on iPad Academy, I wanted to do this myself, from coding to content. Researching, testing and choosing the right tools to support the launch of the Master Class has been challenging, demanding and rewarding.

I designed, developed and delivered many online technology courses as a university professor. However, building a friendly system to do the same with WordPress, plugins and a bit of coding took more time (and patience) than I planned. Yes, I could have outsourced much of the back end design and development, but I wanted to fully understand the process while creating a quality product. I’m self-taught, so I can always blame the teacher if any problems arise. A sneak preview of the iPad Academy Master Class is coming soon, so stay tuned. In the next few weeks, we’ll see just how good a teacher I had.

About Andy Brovey

Dr. Andy Brovey, The Portable Prof, teaches about digital tools through his work, websites and social media. In 2007, Apple Inc. recognized his work and named him an Apple Distinguished Educator. He started this iPad Academy website shortly after the first iPad went on sale. On his Freelance Teaching site you'll find the resources you need to teach like a smart entrepreneur.

2 thoughts on “Coming Soon! A New Way to Learn to Use Your iPad – iPad Academy Master Class

  • Andy Brovey Post author

    Bob – Thanks for the kind words about the blog and the book. It means a lot to me to hear from those I’ve helped.

  • Bob Eschberger

    I was strictley a PC person and bought an iPad. I can tell you I would never have survived without the iPad acadamy tips. It along with the book has made owning an iPad a lot of fun. Thanking you again for everything.

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