Apple Makes It Easier to Find Free Apps in the iTunes Store

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Apple just made it easier to find free apps in the App Store, including a new “Try Before You Buy” section. Here you can find free and lite versions of apps you can test-drive before deciding whether or not to purchase. In the iTunes Store on your computer, select App Store and Free On the App Store at the top of the list (see image above). In this new section you’ll find three sub-categories – New & Noteworthy, Try Before You Buy, and Our Favorites. Note that app trial versions may be ad supported. 

The new “Free On the App Store” and “Try Before You Buy” are also available on the iPhone and iPod touch. Look under the Featured spotlight. 


These new additions to the store are not yet available on the iPad, but hopefully will be added soon. You can currently get to a Free App list in the App Store on the iPad by tapping the Top Charts star on the menu at the bottom of the page. Then look in the column on the right for TOP FREE iPad APPS. You can also search on the word “free” in the Spotlight search field.



About Andy Brovey

Dr. Andy Brovey, The Portable Prof, teaches about digital tools through his work, websites and social media. In 2007, Apple Inc. recognized his work and named him an Apple Distinguished Educator. He started this iPad Academy website shortly after the first iPad went on sale. On his Freelance Teaching site you'll find the resources you need to teach like a smart entrepreneur.