Here’s another quick tip from my eBook iPad Academy: Tips, Tricks & Clever Techniques. I uploaded new versions of the book today in PDF and ePub format.
Taking Command
Adding an external Bluetooth keyboard (General > Bluetooth) or USB keyboard (may work with the Camera Connection Kit) gives you access to common keyboard commands such as Copy (Command-C) and Paste (Command-V). You also have additional options for selecting text, using the arrow keys for navigation, and deleting words (Option-Delete) or entire lines (Command-Delete). Press Command-Up arrow to jump to the top of a document (like a Home key), or Command-Down arrow to jump to the end (like an End key).
Thanks for taking the time to write! Given your experience with computers, a keyboard will certainly add to your enjoyment of the iPad.
Thank you so much. I am an educated person (M.S. in statistics) who has learned and used new computer languages, applications and technologies for more than 30 years. I have had this iPad for a couple weeks and was flummoxed every time I tried to do anything with it. The first tip I read on your site was like a giant forehead-slap-duh! I was frustrated at every turn because I have used SO many systems over the years that I cameto really extensively on the vaat knowledge my HANDS have of the common keyboard commands that function across all systems. Apple’s physically beautiful on-screen keyboard made it impossible to cut-and-paste an address or do what I now realize are dozens, maybe hundreds of things without going through elaborate counter-productive machinations. I find pressing an extra key to get to the numbers quite tedious. Your suggestion to use an external keyboard finally made me realize why I was having so much trouble and has changed my relationship to the device. It seems SO obvious now, but I couldn’t name my frustration until I read that article! thanksfor the help! Kathleen Delaney