iOS 5 How-To: Six Articles on Installing and Using iOS 5

Apple’s iOS 5 is now available for iOS devices including the iPad. Here are six of the best articles on installing Apple’s latest operating system for mobile devices and using many of the new features.

Daily Tip: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to iOS 5

iCloud: Backup

iCloud: Purchases and iTunes Match

How to upgrade your iOS device to iOS 5

Everything You Need to Know About iOS 5 in Seven Minutes

iOS 5 for iPhone and iPad walkthrough

About Andy Brovey

Dr. Andy Brovey, The Portable Prof, teaches about digital tools through his work, websites and social media. In 2007, Apple Inc. recognized his work and named him an Apple Distinguished Educator. He started this iPad Academy website shortly after the first iPad went on sale. On his Freelance Teaching site you'll find the resources you need to teach like a smart entrepreneur.

2 thoughts on “iOS 5 How-To: Six Articles on Installing and Using iOS 5

  • Andy Brovey Post author

    Not that I know of. However, if the images were being processed by a computer before going to the TV, there may be a way to send that video stream from the computer to the iPad.

  • Amber

    Is there a way to reverse the image from the Tv to the Ipad? I own an 3d ultrasound facility and would like my guest to be able to hold in their hands what I am seeing on my screen!

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