At WWDC this week, Steve Jobs confirmed Apple has already sold over 2 million iPads. Native iPad apps now exceed 8500 10,000 (6/12), with over 35 million downloads. Those are incredible numbers, especially considering we’re looking back just sixty days. Now, […]
The Nielsen Norman Group has published a report on usability studies of the iPad, documenting how a number of users actually interacted with a broad variety of iPad apps and websites viewed on the iPad. The report is a pdf document which […]
Usability of iPad Apps and Websites: First Research Findings
iPad4Edu encourages visitors to ask and answer questions about using the iPad in education. The site is run by Fraser Speirs, an educator and software developer from Scotland. Geekspeak: Yes, that’s the same Fraser Speirs who in late 2008 created quite a […]
Help with Questions on Using the iPad in Education – ...
Like you, I’ve read, heard or seen a number of iPad articles and reviews. What single feature (pro and con) was mentioned most often? Here’s my summary. Yours may be different. Most Magical: The NUI – Natural User Interface Touch, multi-touch, […]
iPad: Most Magical, Most Needed

On the iPad Your iPad comes with a built-in, interactive guide. Look for it in the Safari browser bookmarks. Start Safari and tap the bookmarks button Select the link for the iPad User Guide. This interactive guide uses clever navigation […]