Kaplan Publishing is offering nearly 100 free e-books through the iBooks store through August 30. Books are in the categories of College Prep, Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, Nursing and Education. Most of these free digital editions from Kaplan have moved to […]

DropBox is an online storage and file syncing service that offers 2GB of free space for your data. You install client software on your computer and it creates a special folder called (no surprise) DropBox. On the Mac side, this folder shows […]
Using DropBox to Work with Files Offline on your iPad

I wrote a post a few weeks back about Apples’s free guide for the iPad in PDF. That same guide is also available as a more convenient, 241 page free e-book through the iBooks store. You can get the download in about a minute using […]
Apple’s iPad User Guide Available as a Free E-Book
Google Earth version 3.0 arrived on Tuesday with native support for the iPad.
Google Adds iPad Version of Google Earth in Latest Update
Padilicious is a clever set of authoring tools based on Mac automation services (Automator Scripts) that allow you to create web-based apps that run in a browser. The content you develop can be viewed on either a computer or the […]
Easy Method to Create and Deliver Content for the iPad ...
Pinger has dropped the price of the Textfree Unlimited app from $5.99 to free. The catch – you’ll see small ads. Send and receive text messages for free. Reportedly works for major carriers or over wi-fi on the iPod […]