Here are five tips and tutorials on making better use of your iPad. I’ve written about using your iPad as an interactive whiteboard here. Though not nearly as full-featured, John Titlow at ReadWriteWeb suggests 5 Free Collaborative Whiteboard Apps For […]
Kaplan is offering 126 free eBooks to add to your iBooks collection. Titles cover a range of subjects and test preparation topics including college prep, education, graduate, legal, medicine, and nursing. Here’s how to access the list: From your iPad, […]
Kaplan Offering 126 Free eBooks for iBooks on the iPad
The New York Times is replacing the free Editor’s Choice app with a much expanded version in the NYTimes for iPad app. The new app has over 25 sections of content. Full, free access requires registration and is available for a limited […]
NY Times Expanded App Free For Now with Registration
The website Art of the iPhone has a recently updated list of free iPad apps. You may not agree with all the choices, but I found a few to add to my collection.
50 Free iPad Apps
Video files come in a variety of formats. VLC is a free, popular desktop application for playing formats that ordinarily wouldn’t play or would require conversion to be compatible (a process known as transcoding). VLC is now available for the iPad. Early […]
Free VLC Video Player Arrives in the App Store
A fellow ADE recommended this app, which is actually two. The iPad app is iBrainstorm and the iPhone/iPod touch app is iBrainstorm Companion. iBrainstorm is a set of collaboration tools for sharing and collecting notes. The iPad serves as a canvas for colored sticky […]