I recently posted a list of assistive apps for the iPad. However, I’m no expert in this area. But I believe I’ve found one. Kate Ahern is a teacher of learners with multiple or significant special needs. She and her […]
I recently led an introductory iPad workshop for Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty at a local university. One of the resources I prepared for them was a list of iPad apps that might be useful in classes with the department’s […]
iPads as Assistive Technology: More Than 30 Apps for Augmentative ...

App Annie is a new app tracking and analytics site, intended for use primarily by app developers who want to track sales and downloads of their own apps and those for sale by others. As part of the service they offer […]
Download Numbers Show The Top 200 Free and Paid iPad ...
Apple has two new sections highlighting special education apps in the App Store. One for iPhone / iPod touch and another for iPad.
Apple Adds Special Education Sections to the App Store

Fellow Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Carolyn Skibba is the Technology Coordinator for the Burley School in Chicago. She recently asked me to take a look at the blog she set up to document Burley’s iPad implementation. I did and you should too. Burley teachers […]
Burley Elementary School Tech Coordinator and Teachers Blogging About iPad ...
Discovery Education, a provider of streaming videos and other resources for the classroom, has added streaming to the iPad. The new iPad version offers more than 33,000 educational videos in an HTML5 player, and will add other multimedia elements in upcoming […]