iPad in Higher Education – Initiatives at Colleges and Universities This Fall

A number of recent articles on the web and in the popular press describe iPad initiatives at colleges and universities this fall. For example, Chris Foreman of Ars Technica tells how higher education will be testing the value of the iPad. He describes a variety of pilots and programs at Oklahoma State University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Seton Hill, George Fox, NC State, Reed College, University of Maryland and Duke. Links to more information for most of the projects are included in the article. Here are links for Oklahoma and IIT. Foreman also offers a brief review of Kindle pilots at seven universities last year.

About Andy Brovey

Dr. Andy Brovey, The Portable Prof, teaches about digital tools through his work, websites and social media. In 2007, Apple Inc. recognized his work and named him an Apple Distinguished Educator. He started this iPad Academy website shortly after the first iPad went on sale. On his Freelance Teaching site you'll find the resources you need to teach like a smart entrepreneur.