I recently received this request for managing storage on an iPad:
Hello I hope you can help me! I deleted a video to free up storage
space on my ipad, but even though the video is gone, my storage is
still full! The video was very large, so I thought this would free up
space. Do I have to do something more to fully delete the video and
reclaim the storage space it had used?
iOS 8 added a new album in the Photos app called Recently Deleted. The purpose of this album is to offer you a way to easily recover deleted photos. Photos and videos are held here for 30 days, then permanently deleted. You’ll see the number of days remaining for each item. This tells you when each photo or video will be permanently deleted.
You can speed up the process by choosing to delete one, many, or all of the items being held in the Recently Deleted album. This will free up space on your iPad for other content. Here’s how:
In the Photos app, select the Albums view and you’ll see a Recently Deleted album there.
Select the item(s) you want to delete – Tap Select in the upper right.
Tap on the items you really want to delete.
Tap Delete in the upper left and confirm.
You can also use the “Delete All” option to clear out the album.